Are you looking for a polished, professional & personable MC to host your next event?

Hutch can be your event master of ceremonies, expert host or panel moderator at your next fundraiser or event day and ensure everything runs smoothly and with the vibe you want!

A bit about Hutch

Hutch has over 25 years’ experience in public speaking and facilitating events in the community and government sector. As a social worker and policy advocate, she is well versed in current affairs, social justice and policy issues. She can bring deep knowledge and authority to ensure engaging conversations. Hutch has worked with senior public figures and has an easy rapport with people, whether they are current or former politicians, celebrities, sports people or the every day person on the street. She enjoys participating in events that are thought-provoking, galvanises people into action, moves people or just makes people reflect, laugh or cry. Preferably all at once!

Why does Hutch like MC’ing?

 Hutch believes we should show up, stand up, step up and speak up to contribute to a better world. She enjoys being part of events which call on each of us to reflect on our role to ensure a more equitable society.



What can Hutch bring to your Event?

Hutch can

* Maximise active participation, increased engagement and a fun time even when the topic is dry or serious.

· Bring out the best in your panelists, ensuring engaging conversations stay on track and on time.

· Build rapport with the audience so that they are engaged, entertained, and energised.

Corporate, Government or Community

                                                            Hutch can be your event MC, master of ceremonies, host, facilitator or fundraiser auctioneer! Your hostess with the mostest!

Special Events

Hutch is open to MC’ing your Event days eg. International Women’s Day, Harmony Day, Forums, Debates, Panels, Fundraising dinners, Event launches, Symposiums/Conferences, Conference dinners, Award ceremonies, Cultural events, Annual conferences or custom events MC/Panel Moderation

Friends & Family

Need someone external to emcee and keep a gathering joyful and uplifting with some purpose and presence?

Make your event one to remember!

Whether it’s a breakfast, lunch, dinner or panel event, as your event host Hutch Hussein can ensure it achieves its aims!


Let’s make it a memorable event!

Get in touch so we can chat about how I can ensure your guests walk away talking about your event for weeks, months and years! Whether it’s because it was thought-provoking, funny or they just had a good time because it all ran so smoothly.

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